Other uses cases of SwissDTx

How Digital therapeutics (DTx) can change the future.

Discover how innovative med-tech solutions like SwissDTx™ can help patients cope with various medical conditions and provide better information and data to professional scientists.

The emerging category of digital health helps for preventing, managing, and treating diseases through changing patient behaviour and remote health monitoring. DTx products, for example, can be used to encourage patients to adhere to a certain exercise routine, diet, or drug regimens. And unlike common wellness tracking applications that often target various conditions, digital therapeutics mostly focus on one condition.
VR technology

For individuals with psychosis, even common social situations may provoke anxiety and stress. VR system simulates different scenarios and can help patients to adapt new behaviour patterns. With the SwissDTx store, VR-content is not only available for a few but for many.


Especially in the case of minors, the involvement and sensibilisation of peers along the therapeutic process can be a considerable factor for success. Our goal is to let the peers participate with an app, providing special programs so that they can contribute to the therapy as well.


Noncompliance with preoperative instructions is a significant issue. To increase throughput to surgery and improve post-operative adherence, equip your patients with an easy-touse, surgery-specific Pre-op/Post-Op App.


Provide essential guidance after a patient is released from a medical institution, e.g., complementary exercies, first aid techniques or instructions on how to cope with fear.

Gamification of healthcare

Improving patient engagement through  gamified, digital care and therapeutic programs to help patients with disease management and treatments.

Chronic Care Management

Digital solution to help in chronic disease management in order to minimize symptoms, improve quality of life, and prevent unnecessary hospitalizations.

Pharmaceutic trials

Connect with different wearable and non-wearable medical devices to track and record vitals; e.g., tracking blood sugar levels.


Connect with different wearable and non-wearable medical devices to track and record vitals; e.g., tracking blood sugar levels.

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